The procedure of a power assisted liposuction (PAL) is not very different from the traditional liposuction method, however, a tipped cannula that vibrates is utilised to help all the fat cell breakdown and begin the fat removal procedure. This power assisted liposuction machine is more often considered to be a form of high definition liposuction procedure, just like the Vaser liposuction. The power assisted liposuction machine that is made use of in this procedure, works towards breaking up the fat cells and loosening the stubborn deposits of fat, so that there will be lesser damage to the surrounding skin and tissue.
Using a power assisted liposuction your doctor will be able to remove more fat within a short period of time, which in turn gives you efficient results and safer procedure along with a minimal downtime. The power assisted liposuction machine is found to be easier for the doctor to control and precisely eliminate all the unwanted fat cells without leaving behind any of the cells. This device produces quick and small vibrations for breaking up the fat so that it can be smoothly suctioned out using a cannula. This procedure has also proven to show speed and efficacy, by reducing the time under anaesthesia, as well as protecting the skin and tissue around the targeted area without any risk of thermal damage as well.