This procedure is a blend of various surgical procedures wrapped together for giving the best and efficient body makeover. Consisting of a breast lift, a breast lift with augmentation, breast reduction, lipo abdominoplasty and a 360 degree high def liposuction, this procedure is mostly opted by new moms who just underwent childbirth. This type of treatment is popular amongst mommy makeover procedures.
Following are the treatment techniques that will be combined together, for a full body makeover;
Breast lift: In this procedure, the doctor lifts and changes the shape of the breasts to give them a more firmer, rounder and tighter looking appearance. The surgical procedure also eliminates overabundant skin around the breast area, and decreases the size of the areola.
Breast lift with augmentation: Breast augmentation is a corrective medical procedure to expand breast size and improve breast shape, commonly through the use of silicone or saline breast implants while also giving it a lift. From a cosmetic Surgeon’s perspective, the objective of breast augmentation is to upgrade a patient's natural extents and make a breast look more balanced and aesthetically appealing. However, the treatment protovol is customized to meet a woman’s individual desires.
Breast reduction: The breast reduction procedure is predominantly performed for eliminating overabundant tissues, fat and skin from the breasts, that causes the breasts to look big. This procedure also minimises discomfort and assists in achieving a proportionate breast size.
Lipo abdominoplasty: Lipo abdominoplasty blends together the procedure of tummy tuck and liposuction - so you can have abundant skin eliminated through the tummy tuck surgery , and have liposuction around 360 degrees all the way around the abdominal area simultaneously for removing the fat cells as well.
360 degree high def liposuction: The 360 degree high def liposuction procedure makes use of various devices and advanced technology for a more dramatic result and transformation. With this procedure most of the patients will notice an athletic appeal appearance, and a sculpted body with defined abs, toned arms and a tighter waistline.