Flap Surgery

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A dental flap surgery technique cleans the foundations or the roots of the teeth and fixes any damage in the bone brought about by gum infection. Before the method, you will be given a local sedative to desensitise (numb) the region where the specialist will deal with the gums. In this procedure, specialists make little cuts in the gum and lift a segment of tissue back. Then, they eliminate any tartar and microorganisms from the tooth and from under the gums. The gums are stitched back, so the tissue fits immovably around the teeth. When you recuperate, cleaning regions on the teeth and gums will be easier and more convenient. Normally, you may have some minor bleeding and inconvenience after any sort of dental medical procedure. You ought to have the possibility to continue your daily routine after about a day after the surgery.

A flap procedure is regularly finished under local sedation, some of the time joined alongside oral anti-anxiety prescriptions; on the other hand, it very well might be performed even under intravenous conscious anesthesia. After the sedation begins to show its effect, a little cut is made to isolate the gums from the teeth. The external gum tissue is tenderly collapsed back to give admittance to the roots and the supporting tendon and bone tissue.

Then, the gum tissue that is inflamed will be eliminated, and the roots of the teeth will be cleaned; if necessary, the region may likewise be treated with antibiotics or different drugs. During this procedure, bone imperfections can also be fixed with grafting material, and appropriate regeneration of the periodontal tendon can be empowered by both barrier membranes (physical) and growth factors (chemical) processes. After this, the point of incision is sutured back using sutures that dissolve on their own and the procedure is finished.


Periodontal flap surgery is predominantly used to treat;

  • Loss of tooth and deep tooth pockets
  • Gingivitis 
  • Localised periodontitis 
  • Generalised periodontitis
  • Decay of soft tissues within the periodontal pocket
  • Smoker’s teeth
  • Swollen, red, tender or bleeding gums
  • Persistent bad breath 
  • Bad taste in mouth
  • Visible pus around the teeth and gums.
  • Plaque deposits
