Arm Lift or Brachioplasty
Arm Lift or Brachioplasty

Arm Lift or Brachioplasty

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An arm lift or Brachioplasty is a kind of cosmetic surgical procedure that makes upper arms appear more defined and toned. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper arms, as well as the underlying supportive tissues. The procedure is recommended if the underside looks full and loose because of excess fat and skin or when they are sagging. It also helps in enhancing the overall body image.

An arm lift surgery can be performed as a standalone procedure, or in conjunction with other procedures such as liposuction. Whether you're dealing with drooping skin due to aging or any other reason, there are several things to think about when considering an arm lift.

The five main techniques that can be used to perform an arm lift are:

The traditional or standard technique – The surgeon will make an incision along the inside of the upper arm, from the armpit to just above the elbow. Excess skin and fat are then removed, and the incisions are closed with stitches.

The limited-incision or hidden arm-lift technique – This technique is also known as the mini arm lift. It is used to treat mild cases of bat wings or for patients with moderate loose and fat skin. In this procedure, the incisions are hidden within the natural creases of the underarm.

Extended arm lift technique - This is a more extensive version of the traditional arm lift. It involves making an incision along the inside of the upper arm from the armpit all the way down to the elbow. It is often used for patients who have a large amount of skin and fat to be removed.

Liposuction-assisted arm lift – This technique combines liposuction with the traditional or extended arm lift to achieve better results. It is often used for patients who have good skin elasticity but still have localized pockets of fat that need to be removed.

Coolsculpting- This procedure does not treat hanging and loose skin. It is a non-surgical procedure that uses extremely cold temperatures to freeze and kill fat cells. It is recommended for patients with small pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.


The most common reason why people opt for an arm lift is to treat the condition known as bat wings. This term is used to describe the sagging skin and fatty deposits that can accumulate on the upper arms, often as a result of aging. Other reasons why someone might opt for an arm lift include:

  • Loose skin on the upper arms that have become stretched out due to weight loss
  • Excess skin and fat on the upper arms that are resistant to diet and exercise
  • Upper arms that are disproportionately large in comparison to the rest of the body
  • Loose skin and fat on the upper arms that is causing mobility issue
  • Damage to the upper arms due to a previous injury
