Boils over the scalp
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Boils over the scalp

Boils on the head scalp are common and can be caused by a skin infection, a fungus, or a parasite. They can also be caused by a condition called Folliculitis. The bumps are often itchy and can be painful. 

There are many different treatments for boils on the scalp. The most important thing is to find the cause of the boils and treat that. If the bumps are caused by a skin infection, then antibiotics may be needed. If they are caused by a fungus or a parasite, then antifungal or anti-parasitic medications may be needed. If the small boils on the scalp are caused by Folliculitis, then treatment may include antibiotics, antifungal medications, or laser therapy.



What are the symptoms of boils over the scalp?

The manifestations of the symptoms for boils over scalp are 

  • Red, itchy and painful: The itchy boils on the scalp are often red and can be quite painful. They may also cause a rash on the head.
  • Swelling: The boils may swell up and get bigger over time.
  • Fever: A fever may develop along with boils. This is usually a sign that the infection is getting worse.
  • Tender skin: The skin around the bumps may be quite tender to the touch.
  • Sores with yellow or brown scabs:  The sores that develop as a result of the boils may have yellow or brown scabs on them.
  • Stinging or burning sensation:  Many people report a stinging or burning sensation around the bumps.

It is important to see a doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. The doctor will diagnose the problem and recommend the best treatment.

What are the causes of boils over the scalp?

Folliculitis is a skin condition that results in the inflammation of one or more hair follicles. This can cause various types of bumps to form on the scalp, which can be itchy and uncomfortable. Folliculitis is most commonly caused by a Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by other types of bacteria, fungi, or viruses. It is not a life-threatening condition but it remains sore, itchy, and embarrassing. If it is mild, it resolves quickly with certain self-care measures. But if it is recurring or serious folliculitis, you should consult your doctor and follow prescription medicine. 

There are two kinds of folliculitis and they are deep and superficial.  Deep folliculitis is a more serious condition in which the infection goes deeper into the skin. Superficial folliculitis is a less serious condition that affects only the surface of the skin. The following are some common causes of folliculitis:

1) Bacteria: Folliculitis can be caused by bacteria that enter the hair follicles. This can be due to a skin infection, such as a Staphylococcus aureus infection, or contact with bacteria from another part of the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract.

2) Fungi: Folliculitis can also be caused by fungal infections, such as athlete's foot.

3) Viruses: Folliculitis can also be caused by some viruses, such as the herpes virus.

4) Irritants: Some substances can irritate the scalp and cause folliculitis. This includes hair products, such as hair dyes and perms, and chemicals that are found in some swimming pools.

5) Allergies: Allergies can also cause folliculitis by causing the scalp to become itchy and inflamed.

What are the treatment options for boils on the scalp?

Your doctor will usually be able to diagnose the bumps by looking at them. He or she may also take a sample of the pus from the bumps to test for bacteria, fungus, or parasites. If the bumps are caused by Folliculitis, then a sample of the hair follicles may also be taken to test for bacteria or fungus.

Oral and topical medications:  If the boils on the scalp are caused by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics may be needed. If they are caused by a fungus or a parasite, then antifungal medications or antiparasitic medications may be needed. Depending on the frequency and severity of the folliculitis, your doctor may also prescribe a topical antibiotic or antifungal medication to apply directly to the scalp.

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